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Beardall Fields Primary & Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Succeed

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Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum aim is to… inspire, respect, succeed


At Beardall Fields our curriculum is based upon a themed approach which ensures connections in learning are made. It offers a variety of experiences such as visitors, trips and residentials (Y2-6) for children to develop a wider knowledge of the world and an enriched vocabulary.  The use of high quality texts underpins our curriculum and inspires children to read a wide range of both genres and authors.

Entwined within our curriculum are whole school themed days and experiences, which reflect our school community, promote British values and nurture respectful members of society.

Our inclusive curriculum promotes strong relationships and respect for all.



In our Nursery and Reception we aim for pupils to be happy and independent with a thirst for exploration and creativity to satisfy their innate curiosity.

Children are taught using a combination of play based learning and focused activities where children complete both self-motivated and adult led tasks.

Active learning is promoted both indoors and outdoors through a carefully planned continuous provision with exciting themes. Communication, phonics and the transition into early reading is key to developing successful learners and to instilling a love of books from an early age.

