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Beardall Fields Primary & Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Succeed

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Welcome to Beardall Fields

Welcome Video

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On behalf of myself, staff and governors, welcome to our Beardall Fields Primary and Nursery School website.


We have a fantastic purpose-built school which opened in 2014; relocating a mile from the original Victorian school site, Beardall Street, which dated back to 1872.  Our school building is bright and spacious with beautiful school grounds including a playing field, allotment, trim trails and sporting courts. We offer wrap-around care through our Breakfast and After School clubs.


We currently have 447 pupils on roll with two-form entry from reception through to Year 6. We also have a single classroom for nursery provision.


We are a warm, safe and welcoming school where we put the children at the heart of everything we do. Our aim is for all children to develop a life-long love of learning where our school values of ‘Inspire, Respect, Succeed’ runs through our broad, balanced and enriched curriculum. This includes an emphasis on ‘Character Education’ where we seek to instil in children a wide range of core individual and societal values. We have the highest expectations for every child that attends our vibrant school. We believe by giving them the best education today we can set them up with every chance to succeed tomorrow at whatever they set their mind to.


We have a committed staff team and governing body to ensure this.  We believe that a close partnership between parents and school is the key success and we are here to work with you to ensure the very best possible experience for your child. 


We are delighted to announce that following our Ofsted Inspection in October 2021 we were judged to be ‘Good’ in all areas.


‘‘Pupils appreciate their vibrant, happy school. They enjoy learning and their kind teachers enthuse them…Pupils are ambitious to study more or have interesting careers when they grow up…Pupils get a good quality of education across a range of subjects.’’

Ofsted Report, 2021


We hope that you will enjoy browsing our school website which captures some of what we have to offer. We do offer you, and your children, a warm invitation to visit our school first hand. Please contact our school office on 0115 963 8845 to arrange a visit or attend one of our Open Evenings in the Autumn term (16th October or 11th December at 5pm)


I look forward to welcoming you to our happy school.


Katherine Collins

Head Teacher

Our Mission

 Inspire, Respect, Succeed


At Beardall Fields, we have the highest expectations for all our children and strive for every child to be successful in their own right.


Our creative, diverse curriculum develops independence resilience and aspirational learners.


We work in partnership with our parents and the wider school community to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our children.
