The school follows the National Code of Practice for children with SEND when considering the needs of our pupils. At every stage of support we aim to work with parents and pupils to establish clear communications so that school and home can work together for the benefit of the child. The school has a policy for SEND which is reviewed annually by the governing body.
If children are identified as having SEND, an individual education plan is prepared for them which contain targets for their learning and development. Children usually work on these targets or plans within their own classes and may be supported by a Teaching Assistant. If children are identified as having special needs parents will be informed and regular reviews of targets and provision will be held for them.
The school endeavours to ensure that all children have access to all aspects of learning within school and that everyone is treated equally. The school has an accessibility plan that sets out how we intend to improve our facilities and provision so that everyone’s needs are catered for.
We have a teacher who is our SENCO, Debbie Menevse who can be contacted 0115 9638845. We also employ Teaching Assistants with some responsibility for special needs that support teachers and children in their classes.