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Beardall Fields Primary & Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Succeed

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School Vision, Values and Ethos

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Our Mission


Inspire, Respect, Succeed



At Beardall Fields, our children are inspired through the engaging, broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum we offer. Our stimulating environment instils a sense of pride and our enrichment activities motivate children in their learning.



Relationships between all stakeholders are built on mutual respect. Strong relationships with our committed staff team provide positive role models and we hold children at the centre of everything we do.



At Beardall Fields, we have the highest expectations for all our children and strive for every child to be successful in their own right, celebrating their achievements.

We value our work in partnership with our parents and the wider school community to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our children.


Our Vision


We strive for Beardall Fields to be a school at the heart of the community, serving families to ensure the best possible futures for our children.


We will inspire the whole child through an inclusive and enriched provision. Relationships between stakeholders are key to our success as we hold the child at the centre of everything we do, enabling them to become responsible citizens and continue their learning journey.


Our open door policy will enable parents to become part of the whole school community and foster strong relationships with our committed staff team acting as positive role models for our pupils.


Our stimulating environment, both inside and out, offers a safe and happy place for our children to succeed and instils a sense of pride in their achievements.

British Values


Promoting Fundamental British Values


In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:


  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 

Each of these key values are the focus of regular assemblies. 
